
Приказују се постови са ознаком love

Sister's engagement

  Cetiri sestre najrodjenije smo. Najstarija sestra je stasala u pravu gospodjicu,spremna da uplovi u nove vode. Stasala i ona,mlada da postane. Zelela sam sa Vama drage moje da podelim delic atmosfere sa njene veridbe.  Four sisters. The oldest sister grew up in the Miss right, ready to sail into new waters. And she grew, to become bride. I wanted to you to share my dears delic atmosphere with its engagement.

Valentine's day

Bez mnogo reci..srecan svima Dan zaljubljenih i Sv Trifun. Mi slavimo i jedno i drugo. Sinoc je sve bilo puno ljubavi i vina. Volite se svaki dan i poklanjajte sitnice voljenima,to je glavna poruka. 14. februar je kao i svaki dan, izuzev sto mi izlazimo to vece ( na pice ili veceru) svejedno. Zbog obaveza slabo izlazimo "u nocni zivot" pa nam tako neki praznici dodju kao izduvni ventil, malo za promenu.  Without much to say .. all happy Valentine's Day and St. Triphon. We celebrate both. Last night it was all a lot of love and wine. Love is every day and gifts little things loved ones, this is the main message. 14th February and every day, except that we're going out that night (for a drink or dinner) anyway. Because of the poor serious obligations "in Nightlife" us so some holidays come as the exhaust valve for a change.

Happy birthday love

Kao po obicaju i ovaj post malo kasni. Izvinjavam se na tome, ali kod mene jos uvek traje ispitni rok i ne mogu sve da postignem. Mnogo toga imam u planu, pa je i to jedan od razloga kasnjenja. No nije ni bitno i nije to tema danasnjeg posta. Danasnji post je posvecen mom dragom decku koji je ovih dana proslavio svoj 26 rodjendan. Ovim putem po ko zna koji put zelim da mu cestitam rodjendan. I da mu pozelim samo najlepse zelje. Volim te ljubaviii ♥ ♥ ♥ As per usual this post a little late. I apologize for that, but to me still lasts examination period and can not be everything to achieve. I have many things planned, but this is one of the reasons for the delay. But it does not matter and is not a subject of today's post. Today's post is dedicated to my dear boyfriend who has recently celebrated his 26 birthday. This way, for the umpteenth time, I want to congratulate him birthday. I wish him only the best wishes. I love you my love ♥ ♥ ♥

Our 4 anniversary

  I ove godine sa malim zakasnjenjem izbacujem ovaj post. Previse obaveza je dovelo do toga da ovaj post kasni. Ali kada je ljubav u pitanju tada je sve dozvoljeno :) Vec 4 godine zivimo ovu nasu malu bajku. Kako je brzo proslo. Da ne poverujes. Sve je isto,ako ne i bolje nego prvog dana. Hvala ti, za novih 365 dana srece,paznje i ljubavi. ♥ ♥ ♥ And this year with a small delay evicting this post. Too many commitments has led to the fact that this post is late. But when it comes to love then everything is permitted :) More 4 years this live our little fairy tale. How quickly passed. Can you believe it. All the same, if not better than the first day. Thank you for the new 365 days of happiness, attention and love. ♥ ♥ ♥