
Приказују се постови за децембар, 2015

My old photoshoot



Jedno davno,ali ne tako zaboravljeno putovanje. Cackajuci po kompjuteru nasla sam ove slike,koje su u meni probudile brdo emocija. Zelela sam da ih podelim sa Vama. Uzivajte. :)) Once upon a time, but not so forgotten journey. Waiting on the computer I found these pictures, which were awakened in me the hill emotion. I wanted to share them with you. Enjoy. :))

My favorites for november

Dragi moji tradicionalno izlazi post vezan za moje muzicke favorite meseca. Ovog puta ste manje cekali nego na prosli. Izvinjavam Vam se zbog toga. Uzivajte. :)) My dear post traditionally goes tied to my musical favorites of the month.This time you have been waiting less than last hour . I apologize to you for that. Enjoy. :)) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)